Lawyer, Law Firm, Medical Malpractice Lawyer
Edison is a township located in Middlesex County located inNorth-Central New Jersey in the New York City metropolitan area. Thetownship of approximately 100,000 people is a vibrant community withcultural richness, a diverse business scene, and excelling publicschools.Whether or not a hospital is liable for the actions of a medical
provider who acted with authority is typically not a question of law,but one posed to a jury during litigation. There are two types of
hospital malpractice – vicarious liability or
negligence for a lawyer
to prove.The family of a victim, specifically the representative of the
deceased estate, who is killed or dies due to someone else’s
negligence or misconduct, including murder, may sue for wrongful
death. These types of cases may or may not be associated with a
criminal conviction.When the unexpected happens, know that you’re not alone. Prosmushkin&
Tsirkin Trial Lawyers has over 30 years of combined medical
malpractice experience at your disposal. If you or a loved is the
victim of an injury or diagnosis cased by the negligence of a
healthcare or medical provider, don’t wait, call today for a FREE
consultation with one of our attorneys. Our team will evaluate your
case, seek the truth, fight for justice, and deliver the best possible
outcome. We can’t change what has happened, but we can seek justice to
get you and your family the compensation it deserves. Our team of
lawyers and legal staff are here for you every step of the way.
Keywords: Lawyer, Law Firm, Medical Malpractice Lawyer, Birth Injury, Obstetrical Malpractice, Cancer Misdiagnosis, AnesthesiaRelated Injuries, Surgery Cases, hospital liability, infectious
diseases, Pediatric, Cardiac, wrongful death, Mesothelioma, Edison,